Amiga Shareware Products

I'd like to spend a word about Shareware software. The shareware concept assume you can use a software without paying it for an evalutation period. You have enough time to test if the software works fine, if it is useful for your needs. If you finally like the software you can register it paying the shareware fee (usually shareware is cheaper than commercial software: you pay only the author and not the Software House!). If you do not like it, simply put it in your trash.
Programmers started to distribute crippled version of their software simply beacuse of lots of brainless guys used their software without spending a penny.

Remember that Amiga is living a bad period and his life is strictly connected to the software support: now Amiga lives on shareware!

I think that everyone who really like a program should register it, expecially if he wants newer and enhanced versions. This is why I already registered these softs (in time order):

Spot (Nico Fran�ois)

TrapDoor (Maximilian Hantsch & Martin Laubach)
PhoneBill (Raymond Penners)
Virus Checker (John Veldthuis)

GoldED (Dietmar Eilert)

MUI 3 (Stefan Stuntz)

IntuiPoint (Paolo Bozzo)

PPP.device (Holger Kruse)

LJ4Boost (Oliver Hitz)

GMS (Mirko Viviani)

Thor (Ultima Thule Software)

BancaBase III (Stefano Dardari)

MakeCD (Angela Schmidt and Patrick Ohly)

This to show you I do trust in what I'm saying.

Please, support the shareware concept.

Page updated on 03-Apr-96