Progressive 040 / 2000 It seems Progressive is disappeared: I was unable to find any reference on
the web about this company. I could just find a faq on Aminet. Here
is an HTML version of that document.
If you lost the installation diskette, you can now download the dms file just pressing on the disk. Who developed this card? Hrdware design by Tim Reese & John Meek This settings has been taken from the manual of the Progressive 040 / 2000 board.
AutoConfig memory(bank A positions 1 and 2, bank B position 3)
Note that this setting is only for the memory configured and usable by the MC68000.
Processor Select(bank A position 3 and 4)
Cache(bank C position 1 and 2)
Burst(bank C position 3 and 4)
Motherboard Type(bank B position 4)